Để sử dụng toàn bộ tiện ích nâng cao của Hệ Thống Pháp Luật vui lòng lựa chọn và đăng ký gói cước.
No. 1014/2005/QD-NHNN | Hanoi, July 11, 2005 |
- Pursuant to the Law on the State Bank of Vietnam dated 12/12/1997 and the Law on the amendment, supplement of several articles of the Law on the State Bank of Vietnam dated 17/62003;
- Pursuant to the Decree No. 52/2003/ND-CP dated 19/5/2003 of the Government providing for the function, assignment, authority and organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam;
- Pursuant to the Decree No. 64/2001/ND-CP dated 20/9/2001 of the Government on the payment activities through payment services suppliers;
- Pursuant to the Decision No. 44/2002/QD-TTg dated 21/3/2002 of the Prime Minister on the use of electronic vouchers as accounting vouchers for the accounting and payment of funds by payment services suppliers;
- Upon the proposal of the Director of the Finance Accounting Department,
Article 1. To amend, supplement paragraph 1 in Article 6, point 1.1 at paragraph 1 in Article 7, paragraph 1 in Article 9 and Appendices 1a, 1b, 2 and 3 in the technical Process of electronic money transfer operation in the State Bank system issued in conjunction with the Decision No.134/2000/QD-NHNN2 dated 18 April 2000 of the Governor of the State Bank as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 in Article 6 shall be amended, supplemented as follows:
1/ The cut-off time applicable to electronic money transfer shall be provided for as follows:
- In respect of money transfer vouchers of customers who are Credit Institutions and the State Treasury: they shall only be received within working days and until 15.30 oclock every day;
- In respect of daily out-going transfer orders of the Bank A: only dealing with the outgoing transfer orders until 15.45 oclock every day, except for annual settlement days and cases with technical breakdown of information transmission or other objective reasons, specifically as follows:
+ All the money transfer vouchers received from 11h30 backwards and money transfer vouchers with high value and urgent money transfer vouchers shall be sent to the State Bank B (Bank B) within the same day, except for cases with technical breakdown of information transmission or other objective reasons;
+ Money transfer vouchers received after 11h30 till 15h30 shall be continuously sent to the Bank B within the same day or the following working day; in case of technical breakdown of information transmission or other objective reasons, they shall be sent after the breakdown is overcome;
+ In respect of particular case where the money transfer vouchers are received after 15h 30, they shall be sent in the morning of the following working day.
b. For the Finance Accounting Department
The time point for stopping the receipt of incoming transfer Orders of Banks A shall not be later than 15h 45 and for stopping sending the outgoing transfer Orders to Banks B shall be 16h. From 16h, the Finance Accounting Department shall reconcile and verify the incoming and outgoing transfer data within the day with all electronic money transfer units;
c. From 16h onwards, electronic money transfer units shall reconcile and verify the incoming and outgoing transfer data within the day with the Finance Accounting Department. After the conciliation and verification with the Finance - Accounting Department is finished by the electronic money transfer units, all the work to be done in a day shall be considered having completed, except for the case with technical breakdown of information transmission that makes the reconciliation and verification uncompleted within a day, then the reconciliation and verification shall be performed in the morning of the following working day.
d. The Director of the Finance Accounting Department shall be responsible for providing guidance to electronic money transfer units on application of the cut-off time in electronic money transfer of the State Bank system during annual settlement days, and in case of the technical breakdown of information transmission or other objective reasons, but the asset security and sufficient and timely implementation of the verification and conciliation of the money transfer in accordance with stipulated regime must be ensured .
1/ The treatment duties of the Accountant who holds customers account or internal account (hereinafter referred to as transaction accountant):
1.1. With respect to paper voucher:
- To verify the validity, legality of the voucher;
- To reconcile and check the balance of units account to ensure the sufficiency for money transfer;
- To record in the appropriate account (where the voucher is valid, legal and the sufficient balance);
- To insert (create) following elements in the computer under the original voucher of money transfer:
+ The electronic money transfer account of the State Bank;
+ The order sender and the order receiver;
+ Address/number of Identity Card of the order sender and the order receiver;
+ The bank of the sender and the bank of the receiver;
+ Names and Banking Codes of the sending Bank and the receiving Bank: The sending Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank A for the State Bank A to make the transfer by deducting its account, the receiving Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank B for the State Bank B to transfer the money into the account of that receiving Bank. Names and Banking codes of the sending Bank and receiving Bank must be stated in compliance with provisions in the Decision No.1247/2003/QD-NHNN dated 20 October 2003 of the Governor of the State Bank on the issuance of the Regulation on the system of Banking Codes used in the payment transactions through the State Bank; and the Notice of current Banking Codes of the State Bank (The Finance - Accounting Department);
+ Tax code of the tax payer;
+ The Budget list of the Budget payer;
+ Content of money transfer;
+ The amount of money.
- To check the inserted data and sign on the voucher, then send the paper voucher and transmit the data through the computer network to the accountant of electronic money transfer (hereinafter referred to as accountant of money transfer) for further processing.
3. Paragraph 1 in Article 9 shall be amended, supplemented as follows:
1/ Verification of the incoming transfer order:
- The accountant of money transfer must print the incoming transfer Order in electronic form into paper and ensure the sufficiency of necessary sheets for accounting, delivering to customers and preservation (not in excess of 3 principal sheets), then carefully verify elements of the transfer Order to determine:
+ Whether the transfer Order is sent to his Bank or not?
+ Whether elements in the transfer Order are valid, legal and accurate or not? (The debit transfer Order is authorized or not?)
+ Whether the content is doubtful or not?
After completing the verification, the accountant of money transfer shall sign the printed transfer Order and deliver to the transaction accountant for appropriate treatment and accounting.
- The transaction accountant should reconcile and check again before making accounting for customers.
4. Appendices 1a, 1b, 02, 03 shall be replaced with Appendices 1a, 1b, 2, 3 attached to this Decision.
Article 2. This Decision shall be effective after 15 days since its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 3. The Director of Administrative Department, the Director of the Finance Accounting Department, the Director of the Department of Banking Informatics Technology, the Director of the Operation Department, Heads of units of the State Bank of Vietnam, General Managers of the State Banks branches in provinces, cities under the Central Governments management, General Directors (Directors) of payment services suppliers shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
Vu Thi Lien
Order No.:...................... (2)................. Date of issue: // ........................ (2).................
Code of voucher and type of operation:.................................................. (2).................
Validity date............................................................................................. (2).................
The State Bank B:........ (2)........... Banking Code:....... (2)..... Credit account............. (1)...........
The sending Bank:....... (2)........... Banking Code:................ (1)................... (2).......................
The receiving Bank:...... (2)........... Banking Code:................ (1)................... (2).......................
The Order sender:.............................................................. (1)........................................
Address/Number of Identity card:......................................... (1)......................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)...........................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1).........................................
The Order Receiver:............................................................ (1).......................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)...........................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1).........................................
Tax code of the tax payer:................................................... (1).......................................
The Budget list of the Budget payer..................................... (1)......................................
Content:............................................................................ (1)..........................................
Amount in words: ................. (1)...............................................
Date ..../......../..........(2)
- Verification confirmed: ........ (symbol)........
- Controller:.............................. (Name)........
* In the event where the Order sender or the Order receiver has no account, the address or number of Identity Card, date and place of issue must be stated clearly.
* (1) Elements inserted by the transaction accountant.
(2) Elements inserted by the accountant of money transfer
(3) Elements of controller, the Head of Division
Order No.:...................... (2)................. Date of issue: // ........................ (2).................
Code of voucher and type of operation:............................................................... (2)............
Validity date.................................................................................................... (2).................
The State Bank A:........ (2)........... Banking Code:....... (2)...... Debit account............. (1).....
The State Bank B:........ (2)........... Banking Code:....... (2)..... Credit account............. (1).....
The sending Bank:....... (2)........... Banking Code:................ (1)................... (2)...................
The Order sender:.............................................................. (1).............................................
Address/Number of Identity card:......................................... (1)...........................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)................................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1)..............................................
The Order Receiver:............................................................ (1)............................................
Address/Number of Identity card:......................................... (1)...........................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)...............................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1).............................................
The Budget list of the Budget payer..................................... (1)..........................................
Content:............................................................................ (1)...............................................
Amount in words: ................. (1)...............................................
Transmitted at:.....hour.......minutes
Date ..../......../..........(2)
- Controller:.............................. (Name)........
Received at:..hour.....minutes..
* In the event where the Order sender or the Order receiver has no account, the address or Number of Identity Card, date and place of issue must be stated clearly.
* (1) Elements inserted by the transaction accountant.
(2) Elements inserted by the accountant of money transfer
(3) Elements of controller, the Head of Division
* Element of Name and Banking Code of the sending Bank/the receiving Bank shall be stated as follows: The sending Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank A for the State Bank A to make the transfer by deducting its account, the receiving Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank B for the State Bank B to transfer the money to the account of that receiving Bank. Names and Banking codes of the sending Bank and receiving Bank must be stated in compliance with provisions in the Decision No.1247/2003/QD-NHNN dated 20 October 2003 of the Governor of the State Bank; and the Notice of current Banking Code of the State Bank (The Finance - Accounting Department);
Order No.:...................... (2)................. Date of issue: // ........................ (2).................
Code of voucher and type of operation:............................................................... (2)..........
Validity date.................................................................................................... (2)................
The State Bank A:........ (2)........... Banking Code:....... (2)...... Debit account.......... (1)........
The State Bank B:........ (2)........... Banking Code:....... (2)..... Credit account.......... (1)........
The sending Bank:....... (2)........... Banking Code:................ (1)................... (2)...................
The receiving Bank:...... (2)........... Banking Code:................ (1)................... (2)..................
Address/Number of Identity card:......................................... (1)...........................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)...............................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1).............................................
The Order Receiver:............................................................ (1)...........................................
Address/Number of Identity card:......................................... (1)..........................................
Account:........................................................................... (1)...............................................
Opened at the Bank:.......................................................... (1)............................................
Tax code of the tax payer:................................................... (1)..........................................
The Budget list of the Budget payer..................................... (1)..........................................
Order symbol:............................. issued on ../ / / Reason for cancel................................
Amount in words: ................. (1)...............................................
Transmitted at:.....hour.......minutes
Date ..../......../..........(2)
- Verification confirmed: ........ (symbol)........
- Controller:.............................. (Name)........
Received at:..hour.....minutes..
* In the event where the Order sender or the Order receiver has no account, the address or Number of Identity Card, date and place of issue must be stated clearly.
* (1) Elements inserted by the transaction accountant.
(2) Elements inserted by the accountant of money transfer
(3) Elements of controller, the Head of Division
* Element of Name and Banking Code of the sending Bank/the receiving Bank shall be stated as follows: The sending Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank A for the State Bank A to make the transfer by deducting its account, the receiving Bank is a bank or State Treasury whose account is maintained at the State Bank B for the State Bank B to transfer the money to the account of that receiving Bank. Names and Banking codes of the sending Bank and receiving Bank must be stated in compliance with provisions in the Decision No.1247/2003/QD-NHNN dated 20 October 2003 of the Governor of the State Bank; and the Notice of current Banking Code of the State Bank (The Finance Accounting Department);
Drawn on ../...../..... Number:....................
The State Bank B:...................................... Banking Code:.....................................................
Pursuant to the..................................... number.................................... drawn on .../.../.........
Address/Number of Identity Card:............................................................................................
We would like to require............... (The State Bank B)............ to cancel the Credit transfer Order
No:...... drawn on .../......../....... and return it to following address:........................................
The money recipient:..............................................................................................................
Address/Number of Identity Card:.........................................................................................
Opened at:............................................................................................................................
Tax code of the tax payer:.....................................................................................................
The Budget list of the Budget payer:.....................................................................................
Reason for the cancel:..........................................................................................................
The amount requested for cancel: (in words). ..........................
Date ..../......../..........(2)
Received at:..hour.....minutes..
- 1Decision No. 34/2006/QD-NHNN of July 28, 2006, on the amendment, supplement of paragraph 1, article 1 of the Decision No. 1014/2005/QD-NHNN dated 11/7/2005 of the Governor of the State Bank on the amendment, supplement of several articles of the technical process of electronic money transfer operation in the State Bank system issued in conjunction with the Decision No.134/2000/QD-NHNN2 dated 18 April 2000 by the Governor of the State Bank
- 2Circular No. 23/2010/TT-NHNN of November 09, 2010, regulating on the management, operation, and use of inter-bank electronic payment system
- 3Circular No. 23/2010/TT-NHNN of November 09, 2010, regulating on the management, operation, and use of inter-bank electronic payment system
- 1Decision No.1247/2003/QD-NHNN of October 20, 2003, on the issuance of the regulation on the system of banking codes used in the payment transactions through the State Bank
- 2Decree No. 64/2001/ND-CP promulgated, on payment activities via payment service-providing organization.
- 3Law No. 06/1997/QH10 of December 12, 1997 on The State Bank of Vietnam
Decision No. 1014/2005/QD-NHNN of July 11, 2005, on the amendment, supplement of several articles of the technical process of electronic money transfer operation in the state bank system issued in conjunction with the Decision No. 134/2000/QD-NHNN2 dated 18 April 2000 by the Governor of the State Bank
- Số hiệu: 1014/2005/QD-NHNN
- Loại văn bản: Quyết định
- Ngày ban hành: 11/07/2005
- Nơi ban hành: Ngân hàng Nhà nước
- Người ký: Vũ Thị Liên
- Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
- Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
- Ngày hiệu lực: 04/08/2005
- Ngày hết hiệu lực: 01/01/2011
- Tình trạng hiệu lực: Kiểm tra